You are currently viewing Armaan Malik (Instagram Star) Biography, Age, Wife & YouTube

Armaan Malik (Instagram Star) Biography, Age, Wife & YouTube

Armaan Malik is a famous ex-TikTok star and social media star of India who is now famous, especially on Instagram. Apart from Instagram, he is famous on many other famous short video social media platforms and besides these, he also uploads his Vlogs on Youtube.

Armaan Malik is known for his videos on social media but one of the main reasons for his fame is that he has two wives while living in India. No one is quick to believe about Armaan’s two wives but it is true that they live in the same house together with their two wives.

While he has millions of fans on social media, he has no shortage of trolls. He is constantly being trolled on social media for some of his activities. He recently became a troll on social media when he remarried his first wife Payal Malik.

If you want to know more about Armaan Malik then read this post till the end so that you can know everything about him.

Armaan With His Wives
Armaan With His Wives

Biography, Info & Wiki

Full NameArmaan Malik
Age (As in 2022)32 years
Date Of Birth15 December 1990
Zodiac SignalSagittarius
WifeKritika Malik, Payal Malik
ProfessionInstagram Star & Youtuber
HobbiesTraveling & Photoshoot

Physical Appearance & More

Armaan Malik’s approximate height is 5 feet 11 inches, weight is 80 Kg. His Hair Color is Dark Brown also his Eye color is Brown. He is a fitness freak and goes to the gym every day.

Armaan Malik Taking Picture in Miror
Armaan Malik Taking Picture in Miror
Height5 Feets 11 Inches
Weight80 KG
Body Measurements (Approx.)Regular
Hair colorDark Brown
Eye colorDark Brown

Armaan Malik Age, Birthday & Birthplace

He is 31 years old in 2022. He was born on 15 December 1990 in Hyderabad, India.

Armaan Malik’s Wife & Girlfriend

Armaan Malik is married and has two wives. His first wife’s name is Payal Malik and his second wife’s name is Kritika Malik. Knowing about these, a question must have come to your mind about how Armaan got married twice while living in India whereas according to Indian laws only one marriage is legal. So only Armaan’s first marriage is legal which he has done with Payal Malik. His second marriage to Kritika Malik is not legal so he lives in a living relationship with her.

Kritika Malik was a friend of Payal Malik and Payal introduced Kritika to Armaan. After which the two became friends and fell in love and later Armaan told his wife Payal about it and they got married.

Armaan Malik With His Family
Armaan Malik With His Family

Armaan Malik Instagram

His Instagram Account is armaan__malik9 with 1.5M+ followers. He shares most of the concept videos on his account. Most of them are videos of his wives. These videos get millions of views on Instagram.

Instagram Reels

His whole family makes videos on Instagram Reels. Most Armaan Malik family videos are going viral on Instagram Reels these days. He made a TikTok / Instagram Reels video for Fun, then she got interested in it and started making TikTok Videos. They Both Usually appear together on Instagram Reels and his wife Kritika Malik’s Instagram Account is kritika_malik_9 with 2.7M+ followers. Armaan Malik’s Instagram Reels have been really fun.

Some Details about Armaan Malik Youtuber

  • His TikTok account has crossed 10 Million followers and 300 Million Likes.
  • Armaan Malik loves making videos in the gym.
  • He told about his wife Kritika Malik being pregnant in one of his YouTube videos
  • Armaan try to commit suicide in 2019 due to rape allegations leveled against him by Payal Malik’s family.
  • He gains 120K Instagram Follower Quickly within a Few Months.
  • Armaan is usually seen smoking in his videos with his friends.
  • He Starts Posting videos with His Brother.

Personal & Education Details

Current LocationHyderabad, India
HometownHyderabad, India

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who is the first wife of Armaan Malik Tiktok Star?

His first wife’s name is Payal Malik

Does Armaan Malik have two wives?

Yes, he is married twice. His first wife’s name is Payal Malik and his second name is Kritika Malik.

Is Renu Saharan wife of Armaan Malik?

No, Armaan Malik and Renu Saharan are just good friends

Who is Armaan Malik YouTuber?

Armaan Malik is an Instagram Star. Apart from Reels, he also does Vlogging on Youtube

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DISCLAIMER: The above details are sourced from various Online reports. The website does not guarantee 100% accuracy of the figures. All images are taken from a social media account.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Adeeba Amberin

    i have 3 questions one is….before making tiktok videos what he used to earn and although he has a very pretty wife krithika malik why he married again(btw she’s cute). n what he’s wife do by profession leaving making videos.

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